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We all share our planet. Through intelligent practices like collaborative crowdsourcing, sharing, and crowd-purchasing, we can quickly adapt our habits and purchases to improve our species’ survival, ecosystem, and the planet’s longevity.

Help our planet and help yourself at the same time by making your next purchase Eco-friendly. Share it with your friends and neighbourhood.

Devoted To Life seeks to make it convenient for our daily lives to have the most powerful positive impact toward improving our environment

We want maximum effective change as quickly and efficiently as possible. There are many ways you can ‘do your bit’

Be part of improving your community – Reduce unnecessary harmful waste.

We can promote transition by analyzing and encouraging our local market, city, country, and world leaders towards better practices.

If a giant is not effectively leading us to where we need to be, let’s help them.

You can be part of reviewing products, industry practices and regulation – from harvesting, manufacturing, distribution through to retailing across all industries.

Make your voice, money and life count

This brand and site is for
All the mums, dads, children and people that believe action is the answer to the urgency of human change
It comes with particular thanks to
the scientists, eco-engineers and other amazing people and companies that are already making our transition happen
and is devoted to David Attenborough and the extraordinary teams of people who have spent the time to focus on what matters and raise awareness to it

If you haven’t already watched what is happening to our planet, make the time to do it now.

Devoted To Life is a registered Australian entity
ABN: 87 277 112 798
We are in the process of becoming a registered a Non-Profit charity.
Use of this website is subject to our

Get to know us
How it started
Our Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives
Or Understand our Membership based ownership (Coming Soon). Our business is an international Open Source model available for anyone to participate in and share.

Registered Office:
1213 Glenhuntly Rd, Glen Huntly, Victoria, 3163

(C) Copyright 2021 – Devoted To Life